100次浏览 发布时间:2024-10-22 09:19:26 编辑: 司空不夜
标题:Mid-Autumn Festival: The Origin and Customs
Title: Mid-Autumn Festival: The Origin and Customs
"The moon rises over the sea, and we share this moment across the horizon." This well-known poem, from Zhang Jiuling's "Watching the Sea," depicts the beautiful scene of reunion during the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the 15th day of the eighth lunar month every year, we usher in the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. On this festival, which symbolizes reunion, people from all over the world, no matter where they are, all long to return to their homes and spend the festival with their family and friends. So, how did the Mid-Autumn Festival originate, and what are its customs? Let's unveil the mysterious veil together.
The Origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival
There is a widely circulated myth about the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is said that long, long ago, there were ten suns in the sky, taking turns shining on the earth. As a result, everything on the earth was baked and could not survive. In order to save the living beings, the divine archer Hou Yi shot down nine of the suns, reviving the earth. In reward for his heroism, the Queen Mother of the West gave him a potion of immortality.
However, Hou Yi's disciple Peng Meng had a greedy heart and tried to steal the potion of immortality. Hou Yi's wife, Chang'e, had to swallow the potion to protect it and flew to the moon palace. Since then, Chang'e and Hou Yi have been separated, unable to reunite. In memory of this couple, people began to eat round mooncakes on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month every year to symbolize reunion and appreciate the love and friendship of their families and friends by appreciating the full moon at night.
2.Eating Mooncakes
Mooncakes are the most representative food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Historical records show that as early as the Tang Dynasty, people had the custom of eating mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mooncakes come in a variety of styles, including Cantonese, Suzhou, and Beijing styles, each with a different taste, all symbol
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